Industry Partners

Keitech maintains its standard in producing graduates who are highly competitive in the labor market. The institute ensures to meet labor demands in the industrial sector both locally and globally.


Labor industries are welcomed to become partners with Keitech Educational Foundation, Inc. under MOA contract. We look forward to partner industries that serve and uphold the standard of the foundation, as well as open to retain trainees as full employees after OJT. Such partnership is a mutual collaborative effort that assists in the facilitation for enhancement of TESDA skills training with quality and competitive workforce in the labor industry.

Our Partners Over the Years

Last September 2019, OSA Team headed by Ms. Josephine Paredes, visited personally five (5) Industry Partners and (1) potential partner in Cebu City. To give update about Keitech’s Training Program.

Meeting with Ms. Leah Sala, HR Officer of Cebu Parklane International Hotel for updating of Keitech Program and OJT preparation.

A meeting with Arnel Aparis Marketing Consultant of Waterfront Hotel for possible partnership.

Left to Right: Ms. Josephine F. Paredes, Keitech, Head-OSA, Ms. Arlene Sorono, HR Officer of Castle Peak Hotel and Keitech Placement Officers, Ms. Carmela Marie Budlong and Christine Joy Demeterio.

A meeting with Arnel Aparis Marketing Consultant of Waterfront Hotel for possible partnership.


Philippine Associated Smelting and Refining Corporation (PASAR)


PASAR through PASAR Foundation, Inc. (PFI) renew its partnership with Keitech. PASAR will sponsor a maximum of thirty (30) qualified scholars to undergo tech-voc training at Keitech. PFI will donate to the foundation the amount equivalent to the training cost per scholar who will undergo 9 months of skills and values training under the Heavy Industrial MultiProcess Welding course.

Philippine Army and the Philippine National Police


Memorandum of Agreement has been signed by Keitech between the Philippine Army and the Philippine National Police granting the scholarships slots for the latter’s dependents.


The MOA has been represented by Keitech President, Dr. Paul A. Aquino and EDC Chief Finance Officer, Mr. Erwin O. Avante, together with the representatives from Philippine Army, Asst. Division Commander 8ID B/Gen. Eliezer Lozanes (representative of 8th Infantry Stormtroopers Division Commander Major General Raul M. Farnacio) and from Philippine Army, Region 8 Director PCSupt. Dionardo Bernardo Carlos.


Under the MOA, each will be given 4 scholarships for their dependents for SY 2019-2020. The grant will cover the training expenses of the scholar to include the uniforms, PPEs, reference materials, accommodations and meals. The training will last for 9 months with a 1-month on-the-job training in Keitech’s partner industries.


This agreement was made possible by the dedication of Keitech’s very dynamic President, Dr. Aquino, who recognizes the efforts of our uniformed personnel for their diligence in maintaining the peace and order of the country.