Keitech Prepares Year 14 Training

As the School Year 2022-23 or Batch 14 gets set for the action a week ahead, the OSA Department is quick to orchestrate a voluntary action group dubbed as “Brigada Eskwela” participated by 30 incoming trainees. “Keitechians” move with high energy, enthusiasm, and determination as they start the operation dormitory clean-up, repainting of bunk beds and furniture, CR grooming, and window screen brushing.


Keitech campus warmly welcomes Batch 14, composed of 60 trainees, on July 18. Out of 60 trainees, 20 are PASAR-sponsored scholars and 40 originated from the neighboring Barangays of Kananga Town and Ormoc City. The first week of their training stint is devoted to Training Induction Program, First Aid Training, and Basic Fire Fighting Training. In the second week, Basic Competency Training will be facilitated, and in the third week, the Construction Occupational Safety and Health Training will be held.


These scholars were thoroughly selected by the screening committee. They went through a rigorous process of exams, interviews, and physical, mental, and psychological evaluations. This comprehensive process aims to make sure that all students can cope with the Keitech standards which are beyond skills and knowledge, inclusive of discipline, life-work attitude, and leadership traits – forming the entirety of a “Keitech Brand”, an epitome of a “world-class nation builder”.


“Brigada Eskwela”, though still not part of the training proper, serves as an initiation to the kind of life that the apprentices are going to embrace – characterized by selfless service, volunteerism, and sacrifice, as basic ingredients to success and the achievement of their dreams.